Jack Beauregard (Albums)
Jack Beauregard (Remixes/Beats/Music)
casper: so perfekt (rmx) timid tiger: the streets…(rmx) chakuza: sanduhr (music/beat) neodisco: dieses lied (rmx)
exsonvaldes: days (rmx)
Jack Beauregard Remixed by
Deichkind (Silvermine) Martyn Heyne (You Drew a Line)
Pär Lammers Trio (publishings: 2007-2009)
The Little (publishings: 2007- 2010)
Commercials (composition/production)
Pär Lammers Trio: ‚Aux Armes‘ on Pär Lammers (piano) on
- Kontakt: p.lammers@lammersmusic.com
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